Local Business Owner of the Month | Karen Harrison | Real Estate Agent
I love meeting and introducing the locals to awesome business owners in the area. Meet Karen Harrison of Integra Realty. Her home office...

Utah Family Photographer | The Thomas Family
You have those families that you look forward to shooting every single year. This is one of them. They are so much fun! Meet the darling...

Hair and Makeup Artist at ACP | Utah Photographer
I want to introduce this amazing lady that I get to work with often. She is my go-to girl for professional hair and makeup for my...

School Pictures | Dates Announced | Angie Clayson Photography
It only happens once a year! School Pictures with Angie Clayson Photography! School pictures through the school, they're okay. You hope...

Maryland Bound Missionary | Parker | Angie Clayson Photography
I couldn't be more proud of this young man. He is leaving soon to serve the lovely people of Maryland. He's going to be an awesome...

SFHS Senior Session | Sawyer | Angie Clayson Photography
I started photographing this handsome young man when he was just a young boy. It has been so much fun to watch him grow up over the last...

MMHS Senior | Clayci | Angie Clayson Photography
What can I say... Miss Clayci is one of my favorite girls ever! She has been good friends with my oldest son for a very long time. She is...

Salem Hills Senior | Angie Clayson Photography
It's hard to believe that Carson is graduated. I remember watching this boy umpire lots of baseball games. He was always smiling and...

Utah Senior Photographer I Brooke
Miss Brooke was a DREAM to photograph. She has gorgeous auburn hair and beautiful freckles to die for! Not only is she beautiful on the...

Woodsy Wintry Wedding I Utah Wedding Photographer
I guess the downfall to a new website, is I lost years of blogging content. But, I'm going to embrace that and look at it as "new,...